Dear Friends and Family,
So, this is the last newsletter for quite a while. I have to pare down this email list to roughly half of what it is in order to avoid the $80 a month fee. So if you’re not into hearing the rambling of a Crazy Chiropractor from New Hampshire, please click the UNSUBSCRIBE button at the bottom and I promise I won’t take offense to it. You'll still be able to read the monthly blog on the website. Either way, the next email won’t be until at least April or May when I re-open another practice in the Manchester area of New Hampshire.
If you do want to read the ramblings of your Crazy Chiropractor… read on…
I know this is much later than the November 1st email that I had intended to send out to keep you informed about the office. Unfortunately, the last couple months have been a bit more than I could have anticipated.
My mother’s husband became very ill with a metastatic lung cancer and passed away in Florida on November 10th. I got the call at 3 in the morning and got on a flight the same day to be with my mother. I stayed there with her for a week while the funeral arrangements were made in Long Island. Much of the family is there and its where he wanted to be buried and have a Greek Orthodox service in the church they were married in.
I accompanied my mother who needs to be transported in a wheelchair to Long Island by airplane and then brought her home to her house in Florida 6 days later. She was very co-dependent on my stepfather and she didn’t cope well with his death. Though I tried at great lengths to get her psychiatric help, the hospital she was brought to deemed her mentally fit because they had no space for her and released her. We have hired a full time aide there and are awaiting approval for an assisted living facility for her on Long Island though she refuses to move at this point even though she can’t take care of herself. To make matters worse, she tested positive for Covid after she was released from the hospital but she is doing physically well.
All the while, we have been preparing our home for sale here in Rhode Island. Unfortunately, my wife undertook the lion’s share of that burden while I was in Florida until I got back last week. The good news is that our home in Tefft Hill was listed just this morning at 9 AM and there has been a lot of interest. You really have no idea how much stuff you accumulate over 20 years until you have to throw away, give away or sell that stuff!
I sold the office condo before it went on the market at the beginning of November when I realized that the state of Rhode Island would not respect the first amendment and allow for a religious exemption to the vaccination for healthcare workers. The Rhode Island Department of health was cunning in the way it stole my office, my practice, my livelihood and my right to make a living. They did not take my license; they just took away my right to practice without “a shot in the arm” even though I had Covid and have the antibodies, T-cells and B-cells as proven in my bloodwork. When I asked their legal department what their shot was for if not to produce antibodies, T and B cells, they declined to answer but made it abundantly clear that if I opened my door to serve you, it would cost $300 a day in fines, 30-90 days in jail per day I was open and I would be charged with a felony. Truly, if you still believe that this vaccine was created to treat a virus by creating antibodies their policy for healthcare workers makes absolutely no sense since they are ignoring the antibodies in the bloodwork of people with natural immunity. But, when you come to realize there is a much bigger agenda to sell their "shot in the arm" at any cost, everything makes much more sense.
I did not qualify for a mortgage in New Hampshire because I am technically unemployed so we rented an apartment in North Manchester/ South Hooksett. I think that’s a good thing. Now we can take our time and not rush into buying a home and we can take several months to really research a place to open a new practice in Manchester or one of the surrounding towns. I am praising God for creating this time to sit and reflect and respond instead of hastily reacting.
Lori and I are looking forward to spending some quiet time just watching the snow fall this winter and watching what happens to the world as it discerns the truth from the lies. We believe there is but one Truth and His name is Jesus Christ. There’s a deep peace in knowing that.
I’m looking forward to living in a state that respects religious freedom. In fact, we found an awesome Evangelical Christian Church called MCC (Manchester Christian Church) that we now call our church home. New Hampshire has an anti-vaccine mandate law on the books to uphold our firmly held religious beliefs, our right to bodily autonomy, the right to choose which medicines go into our bodies and the law protects other basic human rights. It truly is the Live Free Or Die state. I pray it stays that way.
Know that I miss taking care of you and your family more than words can express! Many of you have found other chiropractors to see and many of you have emailed me and asked me to refer you to another Chiropractor in Rhode Island. The fact of the matter is that many Chiropractors have already left your state and the other ones that are practicing are practicing outside the law and are at risk of being shut down, fined and jailed at any minute so it’s not right for me to share any of their names and I will not do so in order to protect them. Unfortunately, you will have to call around and do that research on your own. I am so sorry about that but you’ll have to take that up with your governor and your department of health.
Know that I appreciate all the prayers and well wishes that you’ve sent. I replied personally to each and every one of your replies to the last two emails I sent out. Your emails meant so much to me and really lifted my spirits. I may not be able to respond to everyone’s reply to this email because we are so CRAZY BUSY right now getting ready to move in the next week or two and I have been walking on eggshells concerned that I will get another call from Florida requiring me to get on a plane to tend to my mother again. If I don’t reply to your email please know in advance that I love and appreciate you and that it was my honor and privilege to take care of you and your family. I can only hope to serve such wonderful, loving, beautiful, bright lights in my new practice in New Hampshire. When I open the new practice, you’ll see the website change and reflect the new location but don’t look for that until April, May or possibly even June.
With all my love and respect,
In Improving Health and Increasing Faith,