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Last Thursday many of you noticed that there was a change in the online booking App when you clicked the BOOK NOW feature at the top of our website or from our Facebook page.  That's because Thursday at 2PM we switched to a new and updated Version 2 of the online booking program.  The company assured us that this process would be seamless and flawless... IT WAS NOT. 

They forgot to turn off the Version 1 scheduler so if you had bookmarked the old link to schedule instead of going to the website and pressing the BOOK NOW button, the computer would have offered you appointments that were already booked on the Version 2 and should not have been available.  As a result, there are people double booked for the next 30 days on Version 1 and we have no way to know who you are. 

The problem has been "fixed" by shutting off the Version 1 scheduler but this puts us in a terrible position.  We can only see people that are scheduled on the Version 2 appointment calendar.  With the COVID regulations, there's just no way to adjust more people in the same time spot without breaking state rules, guidelines and regulations.  We may have to disappoint people that thought they had an appointment and have a confirmation on their phone or email but do not actually have an appointment in the office. 

If you did not go to the website and click on the BOOK NOW button and instead used a link that you saved on your phone or laptop to book an appointment within the last 4 days (Thursday through Sunday), it is likely that you have a confirmation but no appointment.  PLEASE CALL us to confirm your appointment BEFORE heading to the office. 

If there were a way to double the number of people that I could see in a 10 minute slot, trust me, I would instead of agonizing over the long wait to get an appointment but I only have two hands.  I would love to go back to the old days where I walked from room to room without a mask and without spraying every surface down with very expensive grain alcohol but that isn't the reality right now.  I see this recent attack by the enemy as confirmation that we're doing our best to make people feel comfortable while being compliant, safe, loving, empowering and caring during this most unusual time in history and the enemy doesn't like it one little bit.

We've gotten through a few bumps in the road recently and this will be no exception.  Thanks for understanding and for bearing with us over the next 30 days until we get past the visits that may have been accidentally allowed to be scheduled on Version 1.  I do think that Version 2 of the online booking will be better in the end for everyone.  At least I'm hoping and praying it will be.  Thanks for joining me in that prayer.

PS- the new correct link is:

In Health and Faith,

Dr. Jay

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