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March 2020 Newsletter and Hours (and a $5 off offer)

We will be closed these upcoming dates: Closed Saturday March 14th Closed Good Friday, April 10th Closed April 24th and 25th (ICA annual meeting) Closed Saturday May 9th (Rainbow Race)  Closed Saturday May 30th

Accepting New Patients On A Limited Basis

As many of you know, we have not accepted any new patients since March of 2019.  Typically we have 15-20 new patients call a week hoping to get in.  I tell you that with humility and gratitude because nearly all of them were referred in by YOU, my practice family.  I had to stop accepting new patients because we were experiencing wait times in excess of 1-1/2 hours.  With the implementation of the Online Waitlist, the wait times have shortened significantly for those that use it before heading to the office and there are even some empty times of up to an hour during the day.  Don't get me wrong, there are often 15 or more people that like to sign into the waitlist or walk in during the last hour just before we close and don't mind the long waits but I've found that there's time to help new people after the first hour we're open and before the last hour.  So, IF a new patient is willing to watch the ALL NEW- New Patient orientation which lasts approximately 10 minutes, takes the New Patient Quiz and agrees to the terms of care on the quiz, we will see them any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday during the month of March wherever we have an empty spot in our appointment book. Full instructions for new patients can be found HERE on the First Visit page of our website. This newsletter is relatively short on purpose and only contains the ALL NEW- New Patient Video because I think it's so super important.  I would ask that even if you've been under Chiropractic care for your entire life, that you watch it before you send anyone to the office.  I'm sure that even the most seasoned Chiropractic veteran will learn something new in this short 10 minute video.

I think you're really going to find this video "ILLUMINATING"...

Click or tap on the picture to start the video.

Want $5 off your next visit? After you've watched the video, click the link below to download and print the Video Quiz.  Fill it out completely and bring it with you any day during the month of March. If you get 100% of the answers right, you'll receive $5 off your visit.   (one per person)

I will leave you with this Old Irish Blessing-   May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

In Health and Faith,  Dr. Jay, Kathy, Roberta, Elli and Lori

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