Check out the short Video Newsletter for dates we'll be off, info on Chiropractic and the immune system, how to do your exercises (with a great new one for those sitting at a desk), how to set up your workstation (90-90-90-straight ahead-2 inches), and a marginally funny joke.
Sorry, no more new patients for a while...
as you may already know, Dr. Suzanne will be opening her own office in Warwick the second week in June. We want to congratulate her and wish her the best of luck but she won't be around to do the new patient exams any more. As usual, we have several great chiropractors on our website under the First-Visit tab that we suggest.
Check out Dr. Suzanne's new patient orientation for her office! I don't say this lightly but I believe it's the best New Patient Orientation Video I've ever seen! She's going to help a lot of people in Warwick for sure!!This is Dr. Suzanne's Video! Short, to the point, educational and AWESOME!