Closed Christmas Day
Closed New Year's Day
Closed January 22 to attend a conference in Atlanta
New Fees Reminder: (As of January 1st)
$50 per adjustment
$40 if your last visit was less than 30 days ago
$30 Seniors 65+
(No Charge for Children under 18 accompanied by adult being adjusted)
Meet our new neighbors!
GRAND OPENING - Sunday, December 6th !!! Gansett Nutrition of Mariner Square is a fun place to simplify & satisfy your daily energy and nutritional needs. We would love for you to come by and meet us and try our healthy, delicious & nutritious meal or snack shakes such as Hazard Rocky Road, Apple Pie or Swedish Fish Tales. Bring it up a level and try one with an energizing specialty mega tea like Blue Crush It, Gansett Sunset or Purple Euphoria to name a few. Going for a workout? Come on in and try a pre-work out drink or stop by afterwards for your post work out recovery! We also offer a variety of protein coffees, protein snacks, sports and fitness nutrition, meal planning, weight management and much more. We look forward to meeting you! Call ahead & walk-up window service available. We are located at 140 Point Judith Road, Narragansett, RI right down the hallway from Back To Health Chiropractic. (401) 515-7053, gansettnutrition@gmail.com and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/gansettnutritionofmarinersquare
Meet My Other New Neighbor down the hall...
Feel Good Qigong by Deborah Belaus

Check out her classes on her website www.feelgoodqigong.com
While I'm promoting healthcare practices in my building, I can't forget to mention my acupuncturist Dr. Hannah Redd. She's just two doors down from my office.

Her website is https://www.hannahreddacupuncture.com/
I couldn't be happier that our building is turning into a destination for those in our community who want to reclaim and maintain their health and wellness.
I'd Like To Share this video talk I gave for Chiropractors with you
Many of you have seen other Chiropractors and students visiting our office to observe how we run our practice. I've written 3 books about running Chiropractic Cash Only Practices, practices that cut out the insurance middle man and focus on caring for the patient, not limiting care based upon what the "health" insurance dictates. As a result of writing those books, I've had the honor of speaking at many Chiropractic colleges and conferences. Two of these conferences I try to attend regularly.
Some of you wonder why I need to go to the conference in Atlanta called Dynamic Essentials and the conference in New Jersey called New Beginnings so often. I go there to be a better Chiropractor for you. I used to speak at the conferences about Chiropractic philosophy and running a practice free of the devastating grip of the "health" insurance industry. Since my back injury in 2017 that was miraculously healed by Jesus Christ, I decided not to speak at the conferences any more but occasionally I give a talk via conference call or Zoom. I wanted to share the most recent talk with you here. I hope this video helps you understand why I am so passionate about Chiropractic, how much joy Chiropractic brings me and how much of an honor it is to be Your Chiropractor...
Boost your immune system this winter with food...

Check out this great Harvard Medical School article about the subject of food and the immune system to find out about an immune boosting diet, Supplements that boost the immune response, What to eat to reduce inflammation, How to reduce heart attacks, stroke and cancer with 10 servings of fruit and veggies and more... https://www.rockdalenewtoncitizen.com/features/health_wellness/boost-your-immune-system-for-winter-with-food/article_fb3c373d-67e3-5f98-892e-a7af7a9619d7.html

The last thing the Turkey saw before Thanksgiving...

Dear Lord, we come to you this day with our fears and concerns and ask for your comfort and protection for not only us but for those we love. Even as we are asked to keep our distance from others, help us to find ways to reach out to those who need our support. We pray especially for those whose incomes and livelihoods are threatened. For the children who will miss meals due to school closures. For those already isolated, lonely and scared. Loving God, give them your peace, and through our hands ensure they have what they need.
Sustain, strengthen and protect all caregivers. Bless them as they offer compassionate care and show selfless courage in the face of risk.
Remind us, each time the water flows over our hands when we wash them, that when the water flowed over us in our baptism you call us to let go of our fears and live in joy, peace, and hope. Amen. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our families to yours. In Health and Faith, Dr. Jay, Roberta, Kathy, Elli and Lori