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  • Writer's pictureJay Korsen

Curious About Fasting? - My New Book.

I’m excited to introduce my new book, Curious About Fasting? This project has been a true labor of love, born out of my concern for the alarming increase in chronic conditions that I’ve encountered in practice—conditions I never saw at such a rate before. Fasting, as I’ve discovered, can be a powerful tool for healing the body through its anti-inflammatory effects and the process of autophagy, where the body cleans out damaged cells and regenerates new, healthy ones. But before I could recommend fasting to my patients, I knew I needed to experience a prolonged fast myself. What started as a plan for a 7-day water fast turned into a 14-day journey that I documented in detail, including the science of refeeding and how to establish a sustainable eating pattern afterward.

Throughout the fast, I continued to care for many of you, and I bet most of you didn’t notice anything different—except perhaps my weight! After the 14 days, I had dropped 18 pounds. I regained 3 pounds during the 7-day refeeding phase, but by combining the Mediterranean diet and the SOS-free diet with intermittent fasting, I’ve since lost a total of 23 pounds, bringing me down to 172 pounds from my starting weight of 195. This experience, combined with months of research, led to the creation of Curious About Fasting? It’s an introductory, no-nonsense guide that includes my personal 14-day fasting diary, dozens of different fasts, detoxes, and cleanses, and the history and science behind fasting.

I’d love for you to read the book FOR FREE. You can download the PDF below. If you find the content helpful, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could leave a review on Amazon. Your feedback helps the book gain credibility so that others can find and benefit from it as well. If you can’t download the PDF, feel free to borrow a print copy from the office.

Thank you for helping me spread the word about the healing potential of fasting. This book was written with you in mind, to offer a starting point for those seeking a path to better health in a world where good solutions often seem hard to come by.


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